“Rockin Houston” Photo Archive-1977 TM Benefit

When I first began this website, I came across a page called “Rockin Houston” which profiles years and years worth of concerts and events that had come to the Houston, TX area.  At the time, I profiled individual Doug photos for my site, but really didn’t  take a moment to soak in what “Rockin Houston”…

Doug’s Fan Club HQ Today

One of my favorite things to do is researching old buildings that famous people, or their companies once inhabited. Yesterday’s post regarding Doug’s old fan club got my wheels turning. While I have seen Doug’s Van Nuys headquarters on Valjean Avenue in person before, his fan club’s offices on Odessa Street are a mystery to…

Doug Henning Suncatcher- Revisited

Today’s post is a revisiting of one from a few years ago. The Doug Henning Sun catcher was an item available through Doug’s official fan club, and my original post was brief and only one photo as I recall.  Recently, I was sent some photos that reveal the item in greater detail, as well as…

Andre Kole Flyer feat. Doug Henning and David Copperfield

The above images are promotional materials for esteemed magician Andre Kole, and feature two people you probably don’t need me to name. In it, both Doug and David gave their effusive praise to Kole, which only adds to the prestige of this program, as well as the show itself. In fact, Terry Holley, who sent…

“A Magical Encounter” Essay by Michael Williams, PH.D

I came across this rather touching article on “Medium.com” which profiles a fateful meeting between a lone hitchhiker Michael Williams, a young Doug Henning, and Mars Barrick. It’s very much of its time, and one I’ll think you enjoy.  A Magical Encounter: Meeting magicians Doug Henning and Mars Barrick My cousin Mark Wicken is a…

The Walt Disney World Easter Parade with Doug: Revisited

A couple years back I featured Doug’s Easter, 1985 appearance on the Walt Disney World Easter Parade. Doug’s segments are stretched out throughout the show, and at the time I just featured the parade as it aired unedited.  Well, cut to today being Easter, and I thought it was high time I fixed that, and…

Another “New” Plymouth Magic Wagon Commercial

It’s been a couple years since I’ve had the fun of profiling Doug’s 1984 car campaign for the Plymouth “Magic Wagon.” The campaign itself was a fun way to promote a car and, of course, Doug himself. The best part of it was Doug didn’t have to be on stage in front of hundreds of…

World of Magic ’82-Chocolate Milk Illusion

When you think of magic, who doesn’t think of chocolate milk?  In this clip from the final “World of Magic” special, Doug entertains guests Anne Jillian, Cherish  Alexander, Debby Henning, and Kaitlyn Jenner while magically serving them ever expanding glasses of chocolate milk. The theme of the show was Doug’s magical house, and while magic…

Doug Henning Official Envelopes

Inquiring minds want to know what Doug Henning’s stationary looked like! Well, then look no further than these fine examples from 1980 and 1986. Each year represents a pretty distinct time in Doug’s career, and the artwork on each represents that. The unicorn, in particular, was utilized frequently in Doug’s primary stationary of the time. …

“Chou Chou” Signed Window Card

The above item is a signed window card from when, for a time, Doug was known as Chou Chou, the “Magical Little Shoe Maker.” Doug’s purpose in this 15 minute consumer presentation was to perform his various illusions at malls throughout Canada. All the while, a speaker would extol the virtues and benefits of Canadian…

“A Death-Defying Escape” in Hollywood

Thanks to John Cox of Wild About Harry for alerting me to a new magic and comedy play currently running at the Hudson Guild Theatre in Hollywood starring Judy Carter.  “A Death-Defying Escape” is a show that deals with Carter’s life and career in magic among other things. Why am I mentioning this? Well, according…

Doug Henning: Heartthrob?

You can throw this into the bin of one of the more unique articles I’ve seen in my time researching Doug.  You don’t often see female admirers proclaiming their love, and clamoring to know more about Doug.  But, yes Gaye Bleich of Mill Valley, CA was definitely one of them. I’m not even sure what…