Canadian Walk of Fame Mishap

In 2010, Doug was finally inducted into the prestigious Canadian Walk of Fame. However, for some reason or other everyone involved in the planning and preparations neglected to invite or even ask his family to participate. Anyway, I digress! Here is the original article from the Canadian newspaper “The Star.” You can make up your…

Birks Ring Advertisement

In his career, Doug wasn’t averse to doing a little advertising on the side. In addition to hawking Minolta Cameras, TWA, and Plymouth Voyagers, Doug even had time to perform a little sleight of hand with these beauties from Birks rings.  I hope for their sake he untangled them afterwards! Special Thanks to Michael Whitecar

Los Angeles Times Interview-1988

The following interview appeared in the May 7th, 1988 edition of the Los Angeles Times.  Magician Reappears TODD KARR Magic man Doug Henning disappeared a year ago. Not unusual, but the long-haired Henning, who turned 41 on Tuesday, pulled his vanishing act from a lucrative magical career and wound up in a full-time position in…

Osmond Family Christmas Special Appearance

Hey it’s Monday here at “The Doug Henning Project!” To wipe that weekend haze from your eyes, let’s spread some post-Christmas cheer with Doug’s appearance on the 1980’s”Osmond Family Christmas Special.” While Doug’s main close-up magic segment begins at the 16 minute mark, he also appears at the show’s beginning and end to spread some…

Potter & Potter Auction Items

Rebekah Kaufman of Potter & Potter Auctions alerted me to some great items in their upcoming February 23rd auction.  Have you every wanted to buy Doug’s snake skin boots and wizard robe in one go? Well now’s your chance! Break out those Venmo accounts folks because now’s your chance! For more information please visit at:

Rubik’s Cube Illusion and More

The above comes from Doug’s “Magic on Broadway” special, and highlights one of the things he always did best, close-up magic with kids! For me, these are always some of the highlight of his specials, and I hope they’re yours too.  Now where did I put my old Rubik’s Cube?

Johnny Ould Remembers Doug

My Doug Henning Recollections by Johnny Ould During the mid to late 1950’s, there were two main places in Toronto, Ontario where local and visiting magicians would gather. (They were) The Arcade Magic & Novelty Store in the Yonge St. Arcade, and The Magic Counter in Eaton’s Toy Land that was run by Johnny Giordmaine. The…

Doug Henning Toronto Plaque

Sorry for the delay in posting this week folks. Things that are decidedly un-magical, like real life, can take priority sometimes.  Speaking of real life, this fascinating tidbit comes from the blog “Toronto Savvy.” It profiles a time when Doug wasn’t quite yet Doug. He was at a crossroads at whether to continue with schooling…

Chita Rivera on Merlin Mishaps

As I sit looking out my window on a rainy day in LA, what better time to have a laugh than Chita Rivera recounting a very unintentional and comic moment from”Merlin?” You don’t really hear Chita Rivera talking about “Merlin” much these days. So ,it’s nice to hear this anecdote and see some rare pictures…

Grand Illusions: Doug Segment

The above clip comes courtesy of Scott Wells of “The Magic Word Podcast.” It’s a brisk eight-minute biography of Doug from the 1998 multi-part documentary “Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic.” The segment itself is a an enjoyable jaunt through Doug life and career with commentary from such magic notables as Charles Reynolds, Jim Steinmeyer,…

Captain Kangaroo Appearance in Full

Way back when I began this website in 2017 (yes ages ago I know), I posted two rather grainy copies of Doug’s 1975 appearance on Bob Keeshan’s “Captain Kangaroo.” The clips were recorded off of someone’s TV and, to be truthful, were hard to really follow.  So, lo and behold, I recently came across this…

“The Magic of the Natural Law Party” Campaign Video-1993

If you have an hour and twelve minutes to kill, and want to hear more about Doug’s campaign for the Natural Law Party then you’re at the right place.  This extremely tranquil video from 1993 stands out for many reasons. Other than going into TM principles in more detail, it also curiously serves as a…

Doug Henning Lazer Carved Wood Art

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2019!  Without further ado, let’s get right down to it! In looking for a unique way to start a new year of posts, I came across a You Tube clip that may fill that bill perfectly. Published in 2012, this permanent tribute to the man and his work…