Steve Cohen Interview: Part Three

Is there anything that you may have gleaned from Doug when you were younger that you may take with you in your own act? I would say his obvious glee and real love for his magic. Also, the obvious glee and love that he turned outward toward his audience. Doug was not performing for himself;…

Steve Cohen Interview: Part Two

Can you talk about the two times you saw Doug perform live? For this interview, I dug out two ticket stubs from my collection. One of them is for “Merlin” on February 23, 1983. The other ticket was for “Doug Henning’s World of Magic” on Saturday, December 22, 1984. I vividly remember going to “Doug…

Steve Cohen Interview: Part One

Over this week, I will be featuring an interview I conducted recently with acclaimed New York magician Steve Cohen. Steve is very well known in the magic and entertainment communities for his must-see show “Chamber Magic.” This intimate evening harkens back to magic salons of the past, and over the last twenty years has become…

Things that Go Bump in the Night-Magic Show Version

In his career, Doug did many versions of the famed illusion “Things that Go Bump in the Night.” While I have posted this illusion from the TV specials before, this version comes from the early 80s made for TV “Magic Show.” It’s a fun and lively version that is sure to send you into the…

1995 “Skeptical Inquirer” Article

The following article comes from the May/June 1995 issue of the well known magazine “The Skeptical Inquirer.” In it, writer Martin Gardner analyzes Doug’s devotion to Transcendental Mediation, its purported benefits, and “Veda Land.” I had weighed whether to publish this or not as the article is primarily one-sided. But, in the end I like…

NYPL Photo Archive: The Magic Show Part Three

All Photos by Ken Duncan These photos are copyrighted by the New York Public Library’s Billy Rose Theater Division. Any unauthorized usage of those for profit or personal promotion is in violation of copyright laws.

NYPL Photo Archive: The Magic Show Part Two

Let’s do it again shall we folks? I have to say I’m really loving this collection of photos. What strikes me the most about them is that their electricity and energy truly make you feel as if you’re in the Cort Theater’s front row circa 1974. As these pictures prove, the production itself was sparse and…

NYPL Photo Archive: The Magic Show

The following photos come from the photo archive of the New York Public Library, and represent some incredibly rare and unseen photos that haven’t seen the light of day in 35 years. This is it folks, the start of Doug’s Broadway career in crisp and glorious black and white. Taken by photographer Kenn Duncan between 1974-1975,…

Doug and Debby Veda Land Promotional Photo

The above photo comes from an article primarily focusing on the Maharishi and his practices. However, for today’s post I decided to focus on the most interesting part…Doug and Debby unique publicity photo. Aside from the model of “Veda Land” itself, the photo has an interesting mirror effect as its backdrop. However, if you look…

Candada 150: Doug Pop Art Portrait!

The above art is called “Jumpsuits and Mullets,” and was made in conjunction with 2017’s “Canada 150” celebration . This year long event commemorated, you guessed it, Canada’s 150th birthday. The work itself is  acrylic on wood panel and, if you’re like me, it’s now your wallpaper on your smart phone.  The artist, Dan Springer,…

Doug Henning’s World of Instagram: Unseen Chita Rivera Photo

The above photo comes from the National Portrait Gallery’s Instagram account (@smitsoniannpg). It goes without saying that this photo features Chita Rivera in her role as the evil Queen in “Merlin.” Taken in a dressing room, this picture really showcases the beautiful and detailed costuming that was prevalent in the production as a whole. Even in…

Doug’s Henning’s World of Instagram: Merlin Marquee

The world wide web isn’t the only place to uncover rare Doug treasures. Instagram also has some nuggets waiting quietly to be discovered. The above picture comes from @bygonebroadway, and show’s the original “Merlin” marquee in all its glory. I personally had never seen this photo before, and was struck by how thirty-seven years its…

Criss Angel Doug Tribute

The last person you would probably expect to be a Doug fan is Criss Angel. Yeah, that Criss Angel. While their stage personas couldn’t be more dissimilar, this video clip from 2010’s “Mindfreak” proves that Criss Angel will go to any length to show his devotion to the man, the myth, the Henning.  Any length…