Natural Law Party Commercial

In the early 90s, Doug ran for office under the TM influenced “Natural Law Party” in the United Kingdom and Canada. While he was the victor in all things magic, sadly his political career was not to be and he lost both elections.  While this phase in his career confused Doug’s many fans, it really…

Crystal Box Illusion with Ann Reinking

For all those looking for a little pep to their Wednesday afternoon check out this clip from Doug’s 1983 NBC special “Magic on Broadway.” This special, made during preparations for “Merlin,” is a lot of fun and worth checking out if you can locate a copy. In fact, you might even want to check out…

“World of Magic 4” Props For Sale

    Welcome back everyone! Are we all rested from the long holiday? I know I am. Now down to business.  Collector Steve Sprague recently contacted me in hopes of selling a prop from the “World of Magic 4” special starring Brooke Shields and Tom Bosley. So, rather than hearing from me about it, I’ll let…

A Little Thanksgiving Vacation!

Hi All! “The Doug Henning Project” will be on hiatus until Tuesday, November 28th. I’ll be taking a long overdue vacation to Hawaii over the Thanksgiving holiday, and look forward to more posts regarding you know who when I return. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tenyo Magic Kit From The Collection of Michael Grandinetti

For a while now I’ve been wanting to feature the Tenyo Magic Kit that Doug developed with the, surprise, Tenyo Company out of Japan. Doug at the time was trying to branch out from stage shows and television specials by branding his name and putting them on quality products. Thanks to magician Michael Grandinetti a…

Doug Henning and Snoopy?

Who’d of thought that Doug would have ever gotten a name check in Charles Schultz’s classic comic strip “Peanuts?” Well, in June of 1982 that’s exactly what happened! This only speaks volumes to how much Doug had really broken into the mainstream pop culture consciousness. For quite some time, he really was the preeminent magician…

Doug in Chicago 1984

David Sigafus was kind enough to share these articles with me from the October-November 1984 “Chicago Tribune” when Doug was performing at Chicago’s Arie Crown Theater. The article delves into Doug’s creative process with mentions of John Gaughan and Jim Steinmeyer to boot. It’s a fascinating snapshot of what sounded like a great tour.  Now…

Julie Newmar “World of Magic” Costume For Sale

Hello All and Happy Monday! I have a bit of a treat today as I’ve agreed to help magician Paul Driscoll sell the actual costume that Julie Newmar wore in Doug’s first “World of Magic” 1975 special. If you are interested in purchasing this one-of-a-kind item please contact Paul directly as he owns it. I’m…

Nancy Henning Interview: Part Four

Hasn’t this been great? Before we start the last part of our interview I just wanted to once again thank Nancy Henning for taking the time to talk to me. I think we can all agree that her insights and observations only serve to make us appreciate Doug’s artistry even more. How do you think…

Nancy Henning Interview: Part Three

Can you talk a bit about the $5000 Doug was awarded by the Canadian Arts Council to study magic? Did he discuss that with you at the time? You know, I don’t really remember hearing anything about that until he got it. He was quite proud of it, because at the time, there had never…

Nancy Henning Interview: Part Two

As we continue our talk with Nancy Henning she elaborates on her time as Doug’s original audience and his first jobs as a magician. Take it away Nancy! You sounded like a good audience. Oh, I was a good audience. And boyfriends, as I grew up, would always be asking me, “How does he do…

Nancy Henning Interview: Part One

Starting today and running over multiple parts will be my recent interview with Nancy Henning, Doug’s sister. To say that I am honored that she took the time to talk with me is an understatement. The following is a rare look into Doug’s life before and after he became famous. Thank you so much for talking…

A Lost Doug Illusion?

This request recently found its way to me from Doug fan Michael Ketchum regarding a potentially “lost” Doug illusion that needs identifying. If you have any information please contact Michael directly at the email address below.   I AM THE CURRENT OWNER OF AN ILLUSION NAMED “THE MONKEY BOX ILLUSION” – WHICH WAS SOLD TO ME WITH…

Doug and Muhammad Ali Photos

I recently came across these rare photos of Doug performing tricks for Muhammad Ali in the ring. Based on the fact that there was a lion present, I don’t think this was a real boxing match. However, Ali himself was a big fan of magic, and was known to bring cards and coins with him…

Obscure Photos!

It’s Throwback Thursday here at “The Doug Henning Project.” What better way to celebrate it than with some obscure and off the beaten path photos that can only be found on this contraption called the internet? So, without further ado…

Wonder Whims

“Wonder Whims…are they dolls or are they stuffed animals? Surprise, they’re both! And together, they explore the wonders of the world in which they live.” The 1980s were a time of many things. Some good, some great, and some…well. You had Transformers, Muppet Babies, Rainbow Bright, Smurfs, and…Wonder Whims? Yes that’s right you heard me….