


My name is Neil McNally, and I’m a pop culture based writer living in the Los Angeles area.  Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of writing for such great genre magazines and websites as “Famous Monsters of Filmland,” “Starburst,” “MI6 Confidential,” “Wild About Harry,” “Den of Geek,” “The Muppet Mindset,” and many more.

As a lifelong magic enthusiast, I’ve always been excited by the rich history of magic, its vintage poster art, and the craft itself. My initial exposure first came, of course, through Houdini and as a child of the 80s I was enthralled with David Copperfield and his yearly specials on CBS. It certainly was a moment in time like none other.

Other than his “Muppet Show” episode, it was a second hand book I bought while in high school that primarily introduced me to Doug Henning. That book “Houdini: His Legend and His Magic,” written by Doug and Charlie Reynolds, was and still remains one of the most visually detailed books on Houdini ever written. With his colorful costumes and outlandish appearance my first question as a sixteen year old was “Who is this guy?”

Ultimately, it’s that very question that all these years later has led me to the creation of “The Doug Henning Project.” It’s a project that I hope will expand and grow over time and, maybe for people who don’t know a lot about Doug, the veil of magic will be lifted and all will be revealed.

Thanks for coming.
