Nathan Lane: Fergus’ Dilemma (Audience Footage)

Hello Everyone, and welcome to 2024!

I just wanted to apologize for the long gap since my last post. Life, the holidays, and a 1 1/2 year old make things a bit hectic sometimes. But, moving forward I’ll be more regular in my posts.

First up, this clip appeared very recently on You Tube, and is the audience POV of Nathan Lane in “Merlin.” There are several recordings of “Merlin” that you can find online. However, this video nugget is crisp (sort of), clean (sort of), and gives us a better view of “Fergus’s Dilemma” more than ever before. Thanks unknown audience member for illegally recording it at the time. 

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the Broadway mystery that is “Merlin.”

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